Saturday, November 13, 2010

A 30 minute International Desk? Are You Effing Serious?

Here's the story...CNN Management extended "Prism" to an hour. They need to find a spot for those taped programs that usually came after. Did they...

A) Cancel "The Brief", put "World Sport" at 11am EST, put "Prism" at 11:30am EST, and keep the canned programs at 12:30pm EST

B) Put "World Sport" at 10:30am EST (thus cutting Isha Sesay's IDESK to 30 minutes), keep "The Brief" at 11am, move "Prism" to 11:30am EST and keep the canned programs at 12:30pm EST


C) Keep Isha's IDESK at 10am EST, "The Brief" at 11am EST, "World Sport" at 11:30am EST, and "Prism" at 12 Noon EST, and cut Hala Gorani's IDESK to 30 minutes to put the canned programs at 1:30pm EST

If you answered C, you're just as outraged as I am.

CNN Management, who obviously doesn't care about the viewer's likes and dislikes of programming, decided to cut a show that is actually worth watching. We're talking about the European primetime edition of IDESK, hosted by one of the best anchors in town, Hala Gorani. She has been at CNN for the past 12 years, starting in London for many years before settling in Atlanta some years ago. She was named anchor of this show in February 2009 (that's nearly two years ago). So I'm not surprised by the reaction from most of my friends, especially those in Europe, when they heard about this. But for some of you, it's no big deal...

Uh, yeah, it is. It's affecting one of the best anchors and one of the best shows, of course it's a big deal.

So I urge everyone reading this to send an emial to and tell them how you feel about this.

And also go to the facebook page set up in protest of this decision.

We want 60 minutes of Hala, not 30. I can only appeal to reverse this.

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